Saturday, December 4, 2021

Amulek Withstands Zeezrom and Teaches Truth with God’s Help - Book of Alma, Chapter Eleven (Alma 11)

You can read the entire chapter at the following link:

At the beginning of the chapter, Mormon explains that judges in the community receive gain according to how many cases come before them, so it is in their interest to stir up contention among the people because they can profit from that contention (verses 1-20). This is why the lawyers and judges in Ammonihah seek to turn the people against Alma and Amulek. 

Zeezrom (pronounced Zee-ez-rum), who is mentioned at the end of the previous chapter, is a prominent lawyer in Ammonihah, and tells Amulek that he has a few questions for him. Amulek responds that he will answer only according to the Spirit of God (or Holy Ghost) (verses 21-22).

However, instead of asking a question of Amulek, Zeezrom offers a bribe to him! He tells Amulek that he’ll give him some valuable silver if he denies the existence of a Supreme Being (verse 22). This offer totally undermines any claim Zeezrom has to being interested in uncovering the truth. It shows that he is trying to appeal to base motivations of greed and selfishness. 

Amulek, for one, doesn’t take the bait or miss Zeezrom’s hypocrisy. He tells him in front of the whole crowd, “O thou child of hell, why tempt ye me? Knowest thou that the righteous yieldeth to no such temptations?” Amulek also insists that Zeezrom knows there is a God, but deliberately chooses to deny Him because of his attachment to money and material things (verses 23-24). 

Amulek further says to Zeezrom that he knows Zeezrom didn’t really intend to give Amulek anything. He just wanted Amulek to deny God. He tells Zeezrom that he will receive a “reward” for the lie he has told (verse 25). 

Zeezrom does not respond to Amulek’s charges. Instead, faced with the truth of his own foiled effort at deception, he tries to change course. Finally he starts asking the questions he had earlier said he would pose to Amulek. These questions are clearly calculated to entrap Amulek. 

This intent is quite transparent to Amulek. Based on the first few questions and answers, Zeezrom tries to get the people to think that Amulek’s answers are inconsistent because he says that there is only one God but also that He has a Son and that this Son of God will not save people in their sins (verses 26-35). Zeezrom is trying to make it appear as though Amulek does not think God is powerful enough to forgive or heal people, when in actuality Amulek is accurately explaining that people cannot be saved against their will, but only when they repent of sin. 

Amulek sees an opening to teach both Zeezrom and the gathered crowd the real truth. In clarifying that salvation only comes to those who believe in Jesus Christ, and that those who are unwilling to give up their sins do not benefit from the healing and cleansing power of Christ’s sacrifice and Atonement, Amulek successfully thwarts Zeezrom’s attempt to confound the people (verses 36-40). 

Amulek goes on to testify powerfully about the Resurrection of all people. He uses eloquent language to establish that our spirits will reunite with our bodies, and we will stand before God with a “bright recollection of all our guilt.” This helps them (and us) understand that the Lord will bring everyone before Him because each soul is supremely valuable, while also recognizing that we need to get rid of any stain we have from sin in order to stay with the Lord. Amulek also explains that once our spirits and bodies reunite in resurrected form, we will never die again (verses 41-45). 

Clearly Amulek’s words have a great impact on the audience, because Mormon writes that the people are astonished, and Zeezrom begins to tremble (verse 46). It’s a dramatic transition into the next chapter. 

Also see this six-minute video clip summarizing this chapter and the previous one.

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